The Bryony School Advisory Board works as a ‘whole team’, meeting 3-4 times per year, once in each term. An agenda for each meeting will include all the tasks which the Advisory Board is required to consider, and the Advisory Board will ‘commission’ assignments or activities arising from the business of the meeting, which will be recorded in the minutes.
The Advisory Board reviews and monitors compliance against the Independent School Standards with any recommendations for approval made to the Proprietor.
The Proprietor has delegated the following areas for monitoring by the Advisory Board
- School Improvement
- Compliance with statutory policies
- Safeguarding compliance
- Health and safety compliance
Our Advisory Board is comprised of the following members who will hold their positions for one year (from September):
Chris Ferguson – Chair of the Board. Teacher for 43 years in the Independent and State sectors. For the final seventeen years he taught Mathematics at Bryony School and has previously been a Governor at another school.
Joe Matharu – the Board Vice-Chair. His background is in IT in financial institutions in and around the city for 25 years. He is also a former teacher of ICT at a local Secondary School and now runs a thriving property business. All three of his children attended Bryony School.
Sandra Harrison – Member responsible for Safeguarding. Experienced teacher. Previous role included being Deputy Head Teacher and the Designated Safeguarding Lead in Bryony School.
Laura Southgate – Member responsible for the Early Years. Experienced teacher and currently an Early Years Leader in a Gravesend school.
Paul Notley – Member responsible for Health and Safety. Chartered Mechanical Engineer who works for BP as a Manager responsible for the safe and reliable operations at a Jet Fuel Terminal. Parent of a former child at Bryony School and Coach of a local youth football team.
Mr Edmunds – Proprietor of Bryony School and Executive Member who will attend every meeting of the Advisory Board, together with management and teacher representatives as appropriate.
Minutes and Agendas are available on request from the Clerk to the Advisory Board by emailing The Chair of the Advisory Board can also be contacted via the School Office.