For us, every child is a potential musician, athlete, artist or performer. That means we have high expectations and provide opportunities across sport, music and the arts to develop their skills. We have a participative culture where children naturally join in, try new activities and learn new skills. It is vital for children to develop this confidence and eager participation if they are to continue to make the most of opportunities through life.
Before and After School Care
We offer out of school care during term time from 8 a.m. to 8.45 a.m. and 3.30 p.m. to 6.00 p.m. This is held in Marshall Road for Infants and Juniors. A key part of after school care is getting homework completed. Some children with older siblings in the Juniors or children going on the school minibus can also wait in the school hall.
Children may bring a snack that should not be opened until after school. Sweets are not allowed as part of their snack and please note that the school is a ‘nut free’ zone at all times.
Junior Clubs
We hold various clubs over the year after school including Multisports, Tag Rugby, Football, Cricket, Frisbee, Basketball and Netball. In the Juniors, a number of lunch time clubs are held including Art, Mindfulness, Italian, Knitting/Crocheting, Choir and Gardening clubs.
Autumn Term Clubs – November to December 2024